Delicious Meat Sauce Spaghetti Doesn’t Mean You Can Lock me in a Cage.

Spaghetti Amnesia 08

When I saw Toma in Amnesia make spaghetti for the Heroine in episode 8, I thought, ‘oh, how sweet and romantic! Toma’s kinda pushy and too protective for my tastes, but I can see how much he cares. He even made her dinner!’

Thus, with these nice thoughts in my head, I was inspired to make meat sauce spaghetti for dinner…. maybe paired with a big salad and some garlic bread just like how Toma served it up for the Heroine. Perfect!

But, then episode 9 happened,  and all that sweet and protective took a nosedive as Toma turned into complete insane, crazy, jealous, possessive non-boyfriend…. and our Heroine just sat there in her cage justifying his actions.

Well, I still want spaghetti, so I’ll just try and forget that mess of crazy.

About the recipe:

This is a simple but delicious tomato and meat sauce that can be used over all kinds of pasta. I usually eat it with spaghetti, but another type of pasta will work just as well. This sauce is so yummy that I usually (and secretly) steal a bowlful and eat it with a toasted and buttered piece of bread before serving it up for dinner!

The key is to be patient and just cook it forever. You really can’t cook it too much. At some point, the meat and tomato parts will start to separate a bit, with olive oil swirling on top, and that’s when the sauce is ready. You want that meat to start breaking down a bit, get nice and soft, and really incorporate into the other ingredients.

Even though it will take some time to make the sauce, you don’t have to hover over it the whole time. Just set it on low and let it simmer away with the lid partially on, stirring every now and then. Before you know it, your sauce will be done, and your house will smell of deliciousness.

And, it also freezes well!

Often paired with a baguette or garlic bread… maybe I should post a recipe for these in the future?

About the ingredients:

Spaghetti Amnesia 08 TomaFor this recipe, I like to use lean ground beef because it is less fatty. While I do not generally skim the fat off of the surface of the sauce, if it’s looking like there’s quite a lot of fat collecting on top, do skim it off.

I use a can of peeled whole tomatoes because I like to control how large my tomato chunks are. If you just don’t care about it, and you don’t feel like doing the extra step of cutting them up, you could always buy another form of canned tomatoes. I generally use a pair of kitchen shears to cut the whole tomatoes into thirds or quarters, depending on my mood. You could also opt to blanch, peel, core, and cut your own tomatoes… but I’m lazy, so I never do this!

The red wine is a nice addition to the sauce, and it complements the beef nicely. If I have an open bottle around, I just use that. Make sure to cook off the alcohol! This is a totally optional ingredient. You could, of course, just have a nice glass of red with your meal instead… or do both! Whatever suits your tastes.

Add mushrooms if you like…. best added after the sauce is complete. Just slice them up and cook for 10 minutes or until they’re soft. I don’t advise freezing the mushrooms in the sauce, however.

The recipe:

Spaghetti Sauce

Makes 4 servings


  • 1 lb lean ground beef
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 28 oz can peeled whole tomatoes, with the tomatoes cut into bite-size pieces
  • 1/4 cup tomato paste
  • 1 dried bay leaf
  • 1/4 cup red wine (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Olive oil for the pan


1. Heat a large pot with olive oil. Once hot, add onions and cook until translucent. Add garlic and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add ground beef and cook, breaking it into small pieces, until no red or raw meat is visible.

2. Add oregano, the can of tomatoes (sauce included), and bay leaf. Crush the oregano between your palms before adding it to the pot, so as to help it release it’s flavour better. Simmer the sauce, partially covered, for 1 – 1.5 hours, stirring every so often.

3. Stir in tomato paste and red wine, and simmer for 15 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Remove bay leaf.

4. Serve over pasta, and garnish with fresh chopped parsley, pepper flakes, and/or freshly grated parmesan.

Source: Blue Variance!

Spaghetti Amnesia 08 03

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